When the food finally came, an unexplained energy from God swept upon the exhausted group as we rushed the food off the truck and into the church. It took team work and cooperation to pass out the tons of food but in the end everyone was fed and satisfied. We started with the youngest and their mothers and worked our way through everyone. There were some situations that became a bit heated as some fought over plates but were in the end all fed with a plate of rice, beans, carrots, and chopped sausage. When the food was gone, it was time to head back the tent city orphanage where we would feed them and eventually take them to what will be their newly rented home.
The feeding at the orphanage was much more chaotic then the previous feeding because there was no fenced structure to keep out the tent city kids so feeding the orphanage kids before the other children was very difficult because at points we could not tell who was from the orphanage and who was from the neighborhood. In the end, we fed everyone we could until the food ran out. Pastor Bob said we served over 500 meals between the two locations. The kids enjoyed the meal and were very grateful and loving to us. After that we traveled to their new home. There was a huge difference between their old home and their new home. Between their old beaten down tent to their newer, fenced, painted, and open spaced home the children were raving with excitement.
It was a huge relief to finally be back at the New Life orphanage. Food and water tasted better than it has ever tasted before. Even though it was a long and tiring day, we had a special impact on hundreds of people all throughout Haiti. It was hard to say goodbye tonight as it was our last night of devotions with the kids. We had a special going away bonfire with marshmallows, gram crackers, and chocolate for s’mores . At the end of the night, we had a touching group talk with New Life’s founder Miriam. She told us more about how we could help here in Haiti and the sponsorship of the kids here at New Life. It is now time to pack to get ready for our flight back to the states! Thank you for all of you support throughout our trip and your contributions. This had been a life changing experience for a lot of us and we couldn’t have done it without your love, prayers, and support.
Submitted by short term missionaries: Courtney Keefer and Patrick Kaindl