The 10 days go by so quickly, and just as you getting used to being here in Haiti, it’s time to leave once more. As in every trip, many memorable moments etched in your mind and in your heart. Many memorable moments that you will remember for the rest of your life. As I am leaving tomorrow morning, I will remember the feeding day at the tent city, Frantzy’s wedding day, and all of the kids at new life. I will remember Pastor/coach Bob praying for the boys as they were creating a line, so they could be next!My projects are completed, made 3 more sets of bunk beds, made a coral for the small kids to play in, made many repairs and was able to take few videos. But most of all, I renewed my feeling for the kids at New Life Children’s Home and Rescue Center. It is amazing place once you understand where the kids come from and how they get rescued.
So if you ever want to experience having your heart stolen, cold showers that feel so great and lack of creature comforts that we are used to and yet we do not complain at all, come on over and visit New Life Children’s Home and Rescue Center.
On the last evening with the kids, we’ve played some worship songs, played the last episode of Mr. Bill and played 3 videos with all of the kids in the videos. Needless to say, this was the highlight of the evening for the kids.
I am praying to return again in few months.
Thanks to IFJ for making some of the projects possible!