Wedding Haitian Style!
Bill and I had the honor and privilege to attend our friend Frantzy and Colleen's wedding Saturday afternoon. The ceremony and reception were held at a beautiful house of a family friend. We got there early and had a chance to visit with Colleen's brother and sister-in-law. Her sister-in-law planned the whole wedding with Colleen as they have been like parents to Colleen after the death of both of her parents. Bill and I notice Franzty looked a little nervous while standing waiting for Colleen to walk down the isle so we gave him a big thumbs up and through him a kiss. That seemed to relax him for a few minutes! Green and white were the colors of the day and they were married under a trellis in the garden. Pastor Smith performed the ceremony complete with exchanging rings and signing of the marriage certificate and guest book. We visited with Rene and Little Patty and Johnnies's wife. It was great to see many familiar faces. We also met Franzty Mother. The ceremony lasted about one hour and then it was onto a reception in the garden complete with buffet and drinks. The evening finished with cutting of the beautiful wedding cake and a toast of sparkling apple cider to the bride and groom.
All in all a beautiful day and for those of you that have met and spent time with Frantzy, you know he has a beautiful heart. We wish him and his new wife many, many happy years.

Time is going by quickly and before you know it Bill will be packing up to head back to the States. Thanks to all who continue to pray for us daily.