
Heart is Filled with Joy in Haiti!

The day started early with roosters crowing and the water truck making its rounds, playing a song like our ice cream trucks at home.  It was still dark when all of this was going on.  It is just one of the melodies of Haiti we have all become so familiar with.  Then it was off to a great breakfast of eggs, oatmeal and fresh mangos and watermelon.  Worship started at 9:00am.  Service included a great deal of worship music being played by the children and a short drama and sermon.  We were welcomed with open hearts and asked to say a few words in front of the congregation.  The feeling of joy filled our hearts.   The Pastor then left time at the end of the service, as many children had come to him and asked if they could sing solos.  Five kids then came up to sing worship songs in English they had learned from Worship DVD’s that had been brought to the orphanage.  The kids were all age 4 and 5 and worshiped singing to God with all their hearts.  One child had just been at the orphanage since the earthquake and had come malnourished and seeing many horrors we couldn’t even imagine seeing in a lifetime.  We had all we could do to hold back the tears.  After church there was a jam session with many children playing instruments and one older boy playing the keyboards that is legally blind.  Many children came up to dance.   How awesome it was!
We had a little snack and then to unpack and setup for a craft.  We spent the afternoon making family quilts with the kids.  One for the girls and one for the boys were made and each enjoyed putting their special identity on their square.  We found that there are many child artists here that do beautiful work.  Many toys were handed out from dominos to gliders and each child got to pick a small gift before leaving.  We also brought down about sixty dresses made by a ladies sewing ministry from Wisconsin.  Each girl got to pick one dress and asked to model as we took pictures.  Patty and I finished the quilting project while Joan spent time with the kids coloring, playing marbles and spending time with the handicap kids.  We finished off the day playing under the Mango Tree and singing.  What a beautiful day God has allowed us to share with these wonderful, faithful people.
 Before we knew it the dinner bell was ringing.  We had a wonderful dinner of chicken, rice and salad finished off by homemade pudding.  We spent a thought provoking evening with three men from Florida here on a mission to share their professional expertise on water well drilling.  They are here, with the help of church donations, testing well water for purity and teaching the basics of well drilling.  Another sad story about Haiti infrastructure, as they shared results already completed.
We finished off the night planning our Monday schedule, hoping that God is working in our hearts filling us with peace and love.  We will be visiting Marie and the girls, Pastor Wislet and Michelle and Merlinda.  Thanks to all for donations and prayers and allowing the three of us to represent you in Haiti!